mercredi 4 septembre 2013

Plan B

All my life has pretty well much gone according to plan.  I did well in school, had my choice of University with scholarship, met Nathanaël young, got married, have had no troubling conceiving...  When everything in your life goes according to plan it is very easy to believe in the illusion that you are in control.

This summer I read Pete Wilson's book Plan B (a book I had initially picked up to help me minister to others, because my life has been so plan A)...

And here we are Sept 4th in a Plan B situation.  Our plan B situation is not difficult or devastating like the loss of a family member, unemployment or illness, but this plan B still serves to remind us that there are a lot of things in life that we don't control.

Our house is still for sale (has been for just over 3 months), we haven't been able to purchase our tickets to head overseas yet because we need to wait for the house to be sold.  We thought we'd be packed and ready to go by now, but, we're still here.

Here's what Pete Wilson says about control in our lives:

`You know why these things frustrate and anger us? They're reminders that control is an illusion- and we don't like being reminded of that.  We want to control the outcomes in our lives.  We want to win if at all possible.  We want to be right.  We want it done our way.  This powerful desire leaks into our marriages, our jobs, our parenting.

And the danger for most of us is that not only are we tempted to think we hold the strings to our life; we really think we get to write the script...`(p.23)

So what do you do when life isn't going according to plan.  We trust God.  Here are some things God says about our lives:
    Jeremiah 29:11-13
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm youplans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 
       Phillipians 4:6 
       Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and          petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So last night Nathanaël and I prayed together with open hands a simple prayer.  Lord this is your house and our lives are yours.  We trust you.  We trust your plans for our lives.

dimanche 1 septembre 2013

The times they are a changing... (and my changing relationship with STUFF)

We are in the unique position of packing everything and sorting through all kinds of things.  We are keeping that which is really important to us and getting rid of the rest.  God has been, over the past 6 years, helping us become less attached to goods.... because as I like to say it's not going with us when we die!!

Many of you will know that 3 years ago we had to deal with a mould situation!  That 'forced' us to get rid of a lot of stuff we had been holding on to... For example 100$ English textbook I had been keeping just in case I might need it someday (instead of selling it back to the campus bookstore right after the course was done)... Mouldy = 0$ and garbage!  I couldn't even give it away!

Well, deciding what is worth storing is a great process... goodbye birthday cards from 5 years ago, goodbye class notes I haven't looked at once since graduating, goodbye photos from trip to the aquarium (the only photos that seem to really still be interesting a year later are those of people!!).

We also had an offer on our house that, unfortunately, fell through- but it included almost all our furniture- that was interesting, but really helpful in the end because we realized we were willing to get rid of more than we thought we wanted to...

One of the things that has held me back from wanting to get rid of furniture, was to think about the cost of replacement.   Definitely getting rid of a dresser (selling it on craigslist for 50 dollars for example) would cost much more to replace, if I were to buy brand new... But if I am willing to buy used then I haven't really lost anything because I can likely find something (if I am patient) for the same price I sold ours for.

So here are some little things I have learned

1- Buy used, sell when done, buy used, sell when done etc...  (cost of use becomes very little!)
2-If you haven't used it or looked at it in a year, you very probably don't need it!


Times are changing.  I had a huge box full of cards from Josué's birth, I have a small envelope for Noémie's.  Things are becoming more and more electronic (e-books, online streaming for videos) and some of this technology is helping us to have less material (physical) goods.

We discovered many perks to having less... it is easier to keep the house clean.
Less stuff means less upkeep and less mental space.  Less worry about theft or damage or loss too.

So happy sorting!

Noémie 6 semaines- Noémie 6 weeks

Voici notre princesse, maintenant, déjà 6 semaines... Tout se passe très bien avec elle.  Elle aime beaucoup dormir et pleure rarement plus que 10 secondes!   Ceci ne veut pas dire qu'on n'a pas besoin de la consoler, mais elle est consolée facilement en marchant, en la bercant, en bondissant sur la balle, en allaitant etc.
Le temps s'est arrêté pour nous la première semaine ou deux, on s'est juste concentrée sur elle, mais là, comme toujours le temps a recommencé et passe vite!!
Noémie se retrouve dans notre vie, un peu unique, de rangeage constante de la maison (pour la vente) et de tranquillement vendre des choses et faire nos baggages... Nous sommes très reconaissants à Dieu pour une petite princesse assez calme dans cette période de transition!!  Elle commence à sourire et à observer.  Elle est magnifique!!

Here is our little princess, already 6 weeks old.  She is what many would call an easy baby, easily comforted and still sleeping a lot!  We enjoyed the first week or two where time stopped a little for us and we focused just on her, but now time is whirring away again as we keep the house clean for showings, and get ourselves ready for the big trip.  She is smiling more now which is lovely.  We love her!!!